Category: Dịch vụ

Our Client Reviews

Our Client Reviews

can take from Google Reviews and FB page reviews

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Business Creation/Entity Formation

Business Creation/Entity Formation

Picking the right business structure when you open a business is extremely important

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Tax Notices

Tax Notices

If you receive a tax notice and need help with it

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Tax Preparation

Tax Preparation

Prepare your tax returns right at the first time so that you can avoid future problem

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Tax Advise and Tax Planning

Tax Advise and Tax Planning

We can look into your past filing and give advice on how you can save more in taxes.

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Keeping your book current is important as it will give you a sense of your current business health,

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International Tax

International Tax

FBAR, Foreign Gift, Foreign Entity Transfer,

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Forming a business in the United States

Forming a business in the United States

Whether you want to invest in real estates,

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